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Onboarding Questionnaire

General Information

PLEASE READ: You cannot save and come back to this form, so be prepared to dedicate 15 minutes to completing it! Also, at the end of the form you have the option to submit "before" photos. Be prepared to do so shall you desire to track your visual progress working with us.

Emergency Contact

Fitness Goals

Exercise Experience

Health & Medical Information

Dietary Preferences and Restrictions

Fitness Equipment and Access

Time and Scheduling

Tracking Progress

At Nu Flame, we've partnered with a tracking software called Myzone. Myzone is an accurate fitness tracker and online social platform that rewards effort for all physical activity, it's also how our coaches can monitor your progress, workouts, and how we'll hold you accountable during your training sessions.

While there is an additional cost to purchase your Myzone equipment, we're certain you'll love how it'll further integrate you into our "nu" community.

How will you track your progress? Check all those that apply.
Are you open to sharing your progress with the online fitness community?
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